Talentegy Blog

Talentegy TxMatters March

Written by Shawna Berthold | March 23, 2018


March 2018

A quick recap of what’s trending in the Candidate and Employee Experience world.

Talentegy Joins Forces with Talent Tech Labs to Accelerate Growth 

We recently announced that Talentegy has partnered with Talent Tech Labs, a leader in promoting technological developments in emerging and later-stage Talent Acquisition technology startups. Talent Tech Labs offers emerging companies like Talentegy a way to get a foothold in the market and gain scale within a tightly knit and focused talent acquisition community. See Talentegy in action! If you're a TA leader local to the NY area, join us for a half day workshop at the upcoming Talent Tech NEXT event showcasing today's latest HR technology innovations happening on May 3rd. You can register for the event here. Email me for a special discount code.

To AI or Not to AI

Read what the HR Technologist has to say about the importance AI will play in your candidate experience. Today, candidates are expecting (well more like demanding) a low-friction, quick, and responsive job search and application process. The biggest challenge with driving successful candidate experience programs is that most tools and technology push recruiters to alter their existing workflows and end up increasing their overall workloads, killing candidate experience programs from the get-go. When 80% of job seekers (as recently reported by the American Staffing Association) still state that applying for a job feels like sending their résumé into the dreaded "black hole" we can probably use a little AI help in our daily lives. PeopleMatters has a great reference chart on how likely AI and machine learning are going to impact recruiting activities, and how they map to automation potential and value-added human touch.

Job Seekers are Losing Patience for Outdated Candidate Experiences

As the war for talent heats up, there's a significant power shift occurring in today's workplace. Read Jason Finkelstein's article (CRO at Traitify) as he outlines how this shift of power from the employer to employee will have a huge impact on your business success and the 3 drivers causing it. For companies who don’t acknowledge this shift—and aren’t thinking about job seekers, applicants, and employees like they think about customers—they expose their companies to an existential threat. Companies who ignore this shift will struggle at best and fail at worst.

2018 North American Candidate Experience and Benchmark Program Officially Launched in March

Now is your chance to join over 300 companies putting candidate experience at the forefront of their recruiting initiatives. Although the CandE Awards are ultimately a competition, the entire Talent Board Benchmark Program primarily exists to enable any company to better understand and improve their overall candidate experience through survey research. Any corporation interested in enhancing their candidate experience and recruiting processes will benefit from participating in the Talent Board CandE Awards and Benchmark Program. All your employer and candidate data will be treated confidentially, but is leveraged anonymously for Talent Board research reports, articles and presentations. Only the names of winning organizations will be shared publicly. Interested companies can go here to start their registration process which is open until July.

Three Effective Ways to Capture Candidate Experience

With all the attention being paid to improving candidate experience, one obvious strategy should be top of mind: are you collecting feedback from your actual candidates? Whether you use a chatbot as a candidate feedback mechanism, implement a Net Promoter Score (NPS) rating system to measure overall impressions, or survey candidates during the application process to gain specific insights throughout their candidate journey, capturing the data will bring needed visibility into how you can enhance your user experience. The article also offers up some good candidate survey questions to get you started. 

A New Way to Think About your Candidate Experience  — Don't Just Satisfy, Captivate

How can you take your user experience from satisfying candidates to truly captivating them? The team at exaqueo shares a recording of their latest webinar that's chocked full of recent candidate experience data, models to challenge the status quo, as well as ideas and real-life examples to reshape how you think about your candidate experience.

Learn more about Talentegy at these upcoming events. We'd love to meet you in person!

  • HR Transform, Booth # T-317, April 4th - 5th, Las Vegas
  • Talent Tech NOW, April 12th, New York City
  • GSV Summit, April 16th -18th, San Diego
  • Talent Tech NEXT, May 3rd, New York City

Shawna Berthold
Co-founder and EVP of Marketing & Operations